Friday 8 November 2013

Thank God for Water!

We often take it for granted that water is important until we find ourselves in a crisis. I mean what could possibly go wrong? A lot can go wrong! On my way to work one morning, I try to be as comfortable as possible, I grab one of my books and start reading. After 10 minutes of departure, a lady we were travelling with starts choking...'what's happening' we exclaimed? 'Is she having an epileptic fit?' one asked, 'she can't breathe' another muttered, 'could it be an asthmatic attack I asked?' *totally clueless*. To my surprise, she was actually having an asthmatic attack. 

One of the ladies hurriedly asks 'is there anyone with water?' The vehicle was dead with silence, I grabbed my backpack and took out a bottle of water. She drank the water as I uttered a silent prayer, 'Lord please help her,' I said. After a few minutes she was able to breathe well again, sounds extreme hey?! but after that incident, it really made me think, had I not been late, had I finished my water, what would have happened to the young lady? I usually drink about 2 glasses of warm water with lemon juice in the morning, then later on as I travel, I drink some warm water from my water bottle. That morning I was too pressed to drink more water as my focus was on getting to work, little did I know that my leftover water would help someone. 

So what's the point? 
1. Tjoo!! Thank God for water!
2. Drink water at regular intervals and keep hydrated (at least 8 glasses per day).
3. Always carry a bottle of water with you.
4. Value water and use it wisely.


  1. Should we only drink warm water?

    1. Warm water is good to drink especially early in the morning after waking up. It apparently takes more time for the system to warm up cold stuff than if it were warm.
