what actually works?
1. Eating
whole grains (brown rice, brown bread etc.), greens and whole fruit not only
helps the body to excrete the extractable easily, but also helps reduce chances
of getting chronic and inflammatory diseases like strokes, diabetes type 2,
heart disease, colorectal cancer, arthritis, gum and tooth disease helps
maintain healthier blood pressure levels and helps to keep your weight down.
2. Exercise,
exercise and exercise! Instead of using the elevator or escalator to the 5th
level of the building, use the stairs when going up and going down the next
level, that’s what keeps me energetic throughout the day! Instead of driving,
try walking, it will not only save you petrol/gas, it will save your life and
induces weight-loss. Eating healthy coupled with exercise is the best
combination and will never disappoint.
3. Drink
plenty of water not less than 8-10 glasses of water a day. Apple juice, coffee,
tea and fizzy drinks just don’t do it, water, water, and more water!
4. Spend
time in the outdoors early in the morning, and late in the afternoon to get fresh
air and sunshine. The best and safest time to bask in the sun is between sunrise and 9am and again between 4pm and sunset.
5. Moderation
is key, it’s called balance. Keep all things at a moderate level; eat enough,
but never too little or too much, exercise enough and never too little or too
much, the same with sleep catch the drift?
6. Rest,
we live in a fast-paced society where there is hardly any rest. Get rest every
day, that’s not an option – that’s if you don’t want wrinkles and mood swings
and the rest literally, you get more from rest than you get from not resting.
7. We’ve
lost confidence in humanity, we’ve lost confidence in love and in anything that
requires us to trust, but amidst all the strife and all that happens around us,
there is one whom we can place our trust in, that’s the Creator. Trust His
providence, His love, and His care. It’s has been proven, daily prayer does
wonders to our lives. It does wonders to those who are physically, mentally and
spiritually worn out. Try it, it works!
There you have it, lose weight, it's easy!!
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