Wednesday, 17 July 2013


On a daily basis our bodies are exposed to substances that ought not to enter, these harmful substances which often enter through the food we eat, the air we breathe and some of the household products we use act as toxins to our blood and encourage disease. With the pressure of having to deal with fast foods, preservatives, additives, refined food articles, and fertilizers our bodies deserve a break!

There are tons of juice fasts that are said to help eliminate toxins from the body, however; not all "detox" plans are safe. Try things that are in their most natural state like raw veggies, get yourself a juicer and try the recipe below. Be careful not to over do it. 

Detox recipe:
Juice 1 raw beet
Juice 5 carrots
Juice 1 Tbs fresh ginger
Juice 2 sprigs Celery
mix all the juices together and 
Squeeze 1/2 fresh lemon into the mixture
Drink the juice and watch the effects :) 

  1. Beets are a source of iron, niacin, folic acid, sodium, magnesium, Vit A, C are a great immune booster
  2. Carrots are one of the best sources for Vit A which when regularly taken can help with acne issues
  3. Celery has high fiber content thus helps in curbing colon cancer, promotes healthy elimination, and is high in antioxidants.
  4. Lemon is high in Vit C, balances PH, clears the skin, hydrates the lymph system, and is a natural diuretic.
  5. Ginger is known to some as the 'comforter' for it's soothing effect on the stomach, helps reduce morning sickness and alleviates the common cold

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