The latter though is quite an exceptional berry, gojiberries (Lycium barbarum; also known as wolfberry) might as well be called nature's powerhouse. These berries are packed with antioxidants, particularly beta-carotene and zeaxanthin which is said to be a major contributor to protecting the eye retina. Furthermore, researchers say that if food sources rich with this mega antioxidant (zeaxanthin) are taken regularly (in moderation), the risk of getting age-related macular degenerate diseases (AMD) which leads to loss of vision in people over 65, could be reduced.
Several research studies have shown that the antioxidants in goji, may assist in preventing the the growth of cancer cells, reducing blood glucose and also lower cholesterol levels. This awesome berry is said to also contain cyperone which is of benefit to people with high blood pressure and those with heart disease. Moreover, it has the ability to ease menstrual discomfort, and also assists in treating cervical cancer. Germanium is another compound in goji which is said to reduce the growth of tumors, reduces the risk of testicular, lung, liver, and uterine cancers. Basically goji is a powerful cancer fighter, and coupled with a healthy lifestyle, our food can be our medicine. Go ahead get yourself some berries!
*If you are taking blood thinners like warfarin, and diabetes or hypertension drugs, it is suggested to avoid goji berries as they react with the drugs. Nature works best without the interference of drug medication.
Sources: Center for Human Nutrition, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of Calafornia